Create Event Easily

Create events easily with U-event custom post quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis

Sell Event Ticket

You can sell tickets to your event using Woocommerce, it is so easy and so convenient

Create Courses

Use U-course custom post to create and manage courses for your education business

Great Support

We provide support via Ticksy system – Please do not hesitate to request support from us

For A Smarter Education Website


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The Benefits of Investing in a Table Portal

Investing in panel portal application offers many benefits to organisational leaders and the stakeholders. These include secure doc distribution, enhanced collaboration, and a digital examine trail that is compliant with regulatory requirements. In addition , a board portal will increase home engagement and improve the running of plank meetings. It will also provide an effective […]

Hacking Facebook Accounts Is Getting Bigger

For decades cyber-terrorist have deceived people in to clicking on malware-ridden links, sending junk email them with scam emails and threatening to reset their passwords. Yet hacking fb accounts is different: It gives them access to years of position posts, photos and messages. And it’s becoming a big business. This week, a group of […]

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