Definition, Explanation and Examples


It is important to remember that the total of all assets has to equal the total of liabilities and equity. This is what ensures that every transaction makes sense and there will always be an entry on both sides of each transaction. The balance sheet equation answers important financial questions for your business. Use the balance sheet equation when setting your budget or when making financial decisions. If the expanded accounting equation is not equal on both sides, your financial reports are inaccurate. See how the use of the terms debit and credit can be confusing if you don’t consider whose set of books you are talking about.

Good examples of assets are cash, land, buildings, equipment, and supplies. Money that is owed to a company by its customers, which is known as accounts receivable, is also an asset. This provides valuable information to creditors or banks that might be considering a loan application or investment in the company. The accounting equation helps to assess whether the business transactions carried out by the company are being accurately reflected in its books and accounts. The accounting equation states that a company’s total assets are equal to the sum of its liabilities and its shareholders’ equity. Similarly, the shareholder’s equity can also be found on the balance sheet.

Expert Answer

accounting equation earnings are the share of the income retained by the business at the end of the accounting period. At the end of the balance sheet, retained earnings are declared. The accounting equation is the most fundamental equation of accounts. It is one of those equations from which a multitude of other equations is derived. It is the most fundamental equation upon which multitudes of other equations are based upon. It forms the primary principle of accounting, and it helps in maintaining the balance sheet of a company.

So, the assets side of the balance sheet went up, but the liabilities side of the balance sheet also went up. In the end, the liabilities side becomes equal to the assets side. This is the equation that forms the basis of double-entry bookkeeping.

universal accounting equation

Equityis thedifference between what you owe to others and what you own in your business. Equity accounts for sole-proprietors are normally their Capital and Drawing accounts. In a Partnership, each partner will have a Capital account and a Drawing account. Corporations call their equity account Retained Earnings. Liabilitiesare those thingsyou owe to othersfrom your company.


The company ABC paid for the truck by borrowing from the bank. It will always be true as long as all transactions are appropriately accounted for and can never fail or be out of balance for any given entity. In effect, cash will be decreased by $250, and accounts payable will be decreased by the same amount.

Explanation & Answer

Write the Universal Accounting Equation for the problem, and identify which of the six terms in the equation are non-zero before you solve the problem. The global adherence to the double-entry accounting system makes the account keeping and tallying processes more standardized and more fool-proof. This number is the sum of total earnings that were not paid to shareholders as dividends. Consider, for example, a Company ABC which has bought a truck worth ten thousand dollars to transport its product and ship them to their customers.

What is the 3 accounting definition?

Definitions of Accounting

According to Bierman and Drebin:” Accounting may be defined as identifying, measuring, recording and communicating of financial information.”

Its applications in accountancy and economics are thus diverse. A general ledger is a record-keeping system for a company’s financial data, with debit and credit account records validated by a trial balance. Furthermore, the value of the equipment is based on depreciation. This is why inventory and equipment are declared at the end of the asset side in the balance sheet. These are the payments that are to be paid to the company by its customer. These are also considered an asset, but accounts receivables are not as liquidate as Cash.

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